Product Showcase for October 2007′


Please check out: for more information on these products or just for the latest info on Wildland gear and Issues.

RxFireSign has produced specialized fire, safety and informational highway-approved roll-up signing since 1996. Our signs were developed to greatly improve current communication in temporary highway signing. Designed to improve personnel and public safety; providing information, identification, direction, warning messages and more. while accommodating multi-agency signing needs. RxFireSign has been utilized by USDA Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife, CDF, BLM, Nature Conservancy, water management companies, private organizations and local and county projects. Custom legends welcome. Click Here for More…

National Firefighter
Offering a full range of wildland firefighting tools and gear including protective clothing and headgear, packs, headlamps, radios, fire shelters, gloves, footwear, hydration bags, weather meters, hand tools, hose, pumps, adapters, hose reels, nozzles, mobile attack units and more! 24-hour emergency service available during the fire season. Click Here for More…

Xcaper Industries LLC
Wildland firefighters need lung protection. In the field they are exposed to numerous toxic gases, including hydrogen cyanide, acrolein, hydrogen chloride, nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide, as well as deadly particulate matter and carbon monoxide. When combined with either the Whiffs Brush Pro mask or Manta X bandana, lightweight Xcaper Smoke Filters enable wildland firefighters to work longer and fight fires more effectively and efficiently while protecting their lungs and securing their futures.

Type-One Incident Support LLC
Offering the best deals on all types of high quality portable water tanks, containment berms and other specialty water and foam handling equipment. Our size and familiarity with our products make us flexible and able to provide expertise on the specialty lines we carry. Night/weekend support is available on an emergency basis. Click Here for More…

Council Tool’s KATool
Council Tool’s KATool (Kwik Access Tool), a patented, multipurpose, fast-attack tool designed for firefighters, is ideal for firefighters and trainers searching for hidden fires, making smoke inspection cuts, opening interior finishes, cutting cables and wires, and removing doors and clearing windows. Constructed of tempered #4140 alloy steel, the KATool features eight unique rip teeth that are precision-machined to a knife-edged point, enabling firefighters to remove ceiling and wall building materials more safely and more quickly than traditional pike poles, hooks and sheetrock pullers. Click Here for More…

Arizona Instrument
Arizona Instrument is an ISO 9001:2000 registered company that designs, manufactures and markets the complete line of Computrac MAX moisture analyzers. The MAX 2000XL, used in research and development, quality control and industrial process control, measures moisture content as low as 0.005% in as few as three minutes. Durable and easy to use, this analyzer is equally suitable for the production floor or the laboratory. Click Here for More…

PBI TriGuard™ Wildlands Gear
The ultimate in outer shell protection, PBI fibers now offer wildlands personnel a protective fabric that exceeds NFPA 1977 standards. PBI TriGuard resists breakopen and embrittlement, provides superior comfort and enhanced durability, all in a single fabric. Lighter, softer and more moisture absorbent than competing fabrics, PBI TriGuard allows air to circulate around the body, minimizing the risk associated with heat stress. This unique blend also ensures greater resistance to puncture and tears for a flame resistant garment that remains service worthy. PBI TriGuard is available in Department of Forestry–approved colors including yellow, green and gold. Click Here for More…


Supply Cache’s 2008 Wildland Firefighter Calendar
The Supply Cache’s new 2008 Wildland Firefighter Calendar is available now! Sponsored by The Supply Cache, 15 of our vendors and three wildland academies, 100% of calendar sales to go directly to the Wildland Firefighter Foundation. By purchasing a calendar you will help raise over $15,000 for the Wildland Firefighter Foundation. Get your 2008 Wildland Firefighter Calendar, item #45.2008, for just $5.00. Click Here for More…




Interactive Training Media
Equivalency training for the NWCG courses S-130, S-I90, and I-100 is now available through Interactive Training Media Inc. Fire in the Field 100 is offered through an Internet distance-learning program (FIF 100 DL) or through an easy-to-operate training system and 3-D simulator (FIF 100 CS). Both options provide accelerated "anytime" learning — reducing expensive instructor-led classroom training, and allowing more time for field training. Click Here for More…


Pro-Tech continues to provide innovative storage solutions for the fire service industry with our Wild Land Fire Body. Durable all-aluminum construction will ensure long life and corrosion resistance. Additionally, we can custom-design a body configured for your specific application. We start with a sturdy all-riveted substructure and add scratch-resistant, reinforced diamond-plate aluminum or stainless-steel compartment doors to withstand tough off-road use. Click Here for More…

With many Mark-3® fire pump units still in field operations, even after 40 fire seasons, it’s no surprise why most users will opt for Wildfire products as their trusted brand in fire suppression activities. Click Here for More…


SEI Industries Heliwell Tank
Versatile. Portable. Strong. The FireFlex Heliwell is a large volume, wide diameter reservoir for wildland-interface firefighting. Modular aluminum panel construction means it’s tougher than fabric tanks, yet collapsible for quick demob. Use it as a helicopter dip tank, or for mixing or storage — the Heliwell excels at rapid deployment and pre-positioning. Where water is scarce, firefighters need reliability. The Heliwell is ready to deliver. Click Here for More…

Speedtech Instruments offers a wide variety of high-quality, accurate anemometers. You will find one for every need from basic wind to a full weatherstation, all in the palm of your hand!
SM-18 Skymate Wind Meter:Convenient pocket-knife design, accuracy, features, and price make this the best value in handheld wind meters! It is water resistant, it floats, and it has a high visibility case. It is available for only $100.
SM-28 Skymaster Wind Meter: Ranked #1 by Practical Sailor & Powerboats Report. New Skymaster Weathermeter gives you advanced weather information in a convenient pocket-knife design, that will fit in the palm of your hand! With countless features, this unit is a great value at only $190.00! Click Here for More…

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